Shanti Abraham

Shanti Abraham


Areas:Healthcare, Family, Business & Contractual

Shanti is active in the mediation industry as an advocate, a mediator, and a trainer. She is a SIMI Certified Mediator, and an accredited Mediator on the panel of the Securities Industries Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDREC), and Malaysian Mediation Center (MMC). She is also a Principal Mediator with the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), and is a Mediation skills trainer in MMC and SMC. Shanti is also a Mediator, Adjudicator and Arbitrator with the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), and a Director of IGAB Berhad (the Malaysian entity of the CIArb UK). She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb) and a Fellow of the Asian Institute of Arbitrators (FAIADR).  Shanti is also on the Panel of the AAA-ICDR International Mediators Panel.
