About resox

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  • First Stop in Dispute Resolution
  • Simplify the process of looking for professionals such as lawyers, mediators, arbitrators and conflict coaches when faced with a dispute
  • Connect disputants with the most suitable professional depending on individual context
  • Promote a holistic view of dispute resolution that leads to cost and time savings
  • Promote peacemaking in times of strife
  • Professionalism, Integrity, Trust

ResoX is co-founded by 2 experienced Singapore mediators, Ms Linda Heng and Mr Colin Millward.


About Linda Heng, CEO

Linda has been passionate about dispute resolution since 2004. You can read more about her experience and qualifications here (https://imimediation.org/member/linda-heng/).


Despite being told in the early years that she could “never be a mediator as mediators are mostly senior professionals” due to youth and lack of legal training, she persevered in honing her skills and building her professional reputation. In the past 18 years since, she has attained accreditation with many reputable mediation centres, received awards for her contributions to mediation in Singapore and actively engaged stakeholders around the world.


Linda considers it a privilege to have worked with many intelligent, kind and passionate lawyers, mediators, arbitrators and conflict coaches, who are skilled in amicable dispute resolution. ResoX is thus an attempt to meet the needs of a world that has gone through a traumatic shared experience in the last 2 – 3 years. By leveraging on technology and how it has shaped consumer behaviour, Linda hopes to connect disputants with professionals who will guide them towards cost-effective resolutions.


About Colin Millward, COO

Colin Millward is an accredited Principal Mediator since 2010 with the Singapore Mediation Centre. He works with corporations to resolve complex business disputes, particularly those in Information Technology.

He is also a highly experienced project manager who, over a 30-year career, has held division responsibility several times, managing the implementation of financial computer systems and other corporate projects in the UK, Middle East, United States and Asia-Pacific. At ResoX he leads the business systems design and implementation projects to make using ResoX a rewarding experience for everybody.

Colin is additionally a corporate trainer who has trained several thousand project managers to Project Management Professional (PMP®) standard and prepared ROI experts for their Certified ROI Professional (CRP) certification. As a PMP® and CRP, Colin has also an MBA, CSM and A-CSPO credentials.


We hope that most of your enquiries can be answered by the “Quick Links” menu above. Please take the time to read through our FAQs if you have not already. Nonetheless, if there are areas that we have not anticipated, please feel free to contact us at

Email: e[email protected]
Tel: +65 8011 1849

Our official company details are:

ResoX Pte. Ltd.

UEN: 202129183E

Registered Address: 51 Goldhill Plaza, #23-11 Singapore 308900

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You can contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
