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ResoX Pte. Ltd. Signs MOU with Belt and Road International Commercial Mediation Center

We are thrilled to announce that ResoX Pte. Ltd. has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Belt and Road International Commercial Mediation Center (BNRMC). This milestone was marked during the launch of their center in Singapore, underscoring their commitment to working with international mediators to resolve commercial disputes related to Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) across BRI and RCEP countries. In 2023 alone, their caseload surpassed 10,000 mediated cases—a testament to their growing influence in the region.

The event, held at Prudential plc @Scotts, was fully booked, and attendees had the privilege of hearing from esteemed speakers, including Retired Judge Kan Ting Chiu and Dr. Wang Li, founder of BNRMC and DeHeng Law Offices. Speakers from Hong Kong, Korea, Shanghai, and the United States (including 祝翠瑛, Winston Siu, and Jaya Sharma) also shared their insights on the evolving mediation landscape.

Our co-founder, Linda Heng had the honor of moderating an engaging panel discussion alongside Tat Lim, featuring representatives from Vietnam (Trong Dat Phan), Laos (Harrison Jia Hui), Indonesia (Hyang Mihardja, SH., MBA), Malaysia (Jeff Leong 梁柏林), Cambodia (San Kiri), Australia (Rajesh Sharma), and Singapore (Chern Yang See 徐振洋). The panelists brought both humor and authenticity to the conversation, offering a wealth of insights into the mediation challenges faced within their jurisdictions. The lively discussion had the audience alternating between laughter and applause.

A special thank you to Liang Ding (丁亮), Qidi (Donnia) Lin, and the Society of Mediation Professionals (Singapore) for making this event possible.

One of the most memorable moments was the heartfelt conversations with Dr. Wang Li. As the founder of one of China’s top law firms and a staunch advocate for mediation, she has been a key figure in pushing for the signing and ratification of the Singapore Convention on Mediation. 

Her genuine commitment to fostering mutually beneficial partnerships and promoting a harmonious society left a deep impression.

We look forward to continued collaboration, working together to create smoother pathways for trade and economic growth for businesses across the region.

A heartfelt thanks also to the ResoX Pte. Ltd. team and our DRPs for their unwavering support during the event. We are excited about the road ahead!

我们非常激动地宣布,ResoX Pte. Ltd. 已与“一带一路国际商事调解中心”(BNRMC)签署了一份谅解备忘录(MOU)。这一重要里程碑在其新加坡中心的启动仪式上达成,表明了他们与国际调解员合作的承诺,旨在解决“一带一路倡议”相关的商业争议,覆盖“一带一路”和《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)国家。仅在2023年,他们的调解案件数量就超过了10,000件,充分展示了其在该地区日益增长的影响力。

该活动在位于 Scotts 的保诚公司举行,座无虚席。与会者有幸聆听了多位杰出发言人的见解,包括退休法官 Kan Ting Chiu 和 BNRMC 及德恒律师事务所的创始人王丽博士。来自香港、韩国、上海和美国的发言人(包括祝翠瑛、Winston Siu 和 Jaya Sharma)也分享了他们对调解领域演变的深刻见解。

我们的联合创始人 Linda Heng 很荣幸与 Tat Lim 一同主持了一场引人入胜的小组讨论,讨论嘉宾来自越南(Trong Dat Phan)、老挝(Harrison Jia Hui)、印尼(Hyang Mihardja, SH., MBA)、马来西亚(Jeff Leong 梁柏林)、柬埔寨(San Kiri)、澳大利亚(Rajesh Sharma)和新加坡(Chern Yang See 徐振洋)。这些嘉宾为讨论带来了幽默和真诚的见解,分享了各自司法管辖区调解面临的挑战。现场气氛热烈,观众时而笑声不断,时而鼓掌叫好。

特别感谢丁亮、林祁迪(Donnia)以及新加坡调解专业人士协会(Society of Mediation Professionals)促成了这次活动的顺利举行。



同时,也向 ResoX Pte. Ltd. 团队和我们在场的争议解决专家(DRPs)表示衷心感谢,感谢你们在活动中的大力支持。未来可期,我们充满期待!
