DR Expertise:
Mediator of Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), Community Mediation Centre (CMC), Small Claims Tribunals (SCT) (Retired after 15 years), Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE), Tribunals of Maintenance of Parents (TMP), Singapore Institute of Surveyors & Valuers (SISV), India Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators (IIAM), International Institute of Mediators (Singapore)(iiM) and Singapore Construction Mediation Centre (SCMC).
Member of Work Group of SCMC helping with the formation of SCMC. Member of SCMC Panel of Advisors.
Certified Mediators of International Mediation Institute (IMI) since 2010 and Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) since 2016.
Founding Member of iiM.
Had served as Mediator for some one thousand disputes since 1998 ranging from construction, building quality, MCST, contract, consumers, insurance claims, employment, tenancy, community and family related disputes.
Mediated cases mainly in English Language, but at time in Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese either face-to-face or online.