How do Mediators Market Themselves?
“Mediators are generally nice people who find it hard to market themselves aggressively.”
This was a comment by an attendee at the webinar on “Marketing Yourself as a Mediator” our CEO Linda Heng gave last evening.
As Singapore Convention Week rolls in, she shared with Society of Mediation Professionals (Singapore) her observations of the changes in the mediation landscape these past 17 years.
She then discussed the opportunities and threats in the coming years, marketing strategies, and best practices of how mediator market themselves–
5P marketing considerations to mediators were:
1) Presence – How visible are you?
2) Price – How competitive are you?
3) Positioning – What sets you apart?
4) Persevere – Create your own market
5) Play Together – Contribute actively in the industry and uplift one another
In the post-pandemic landscape, consumer norms and marketing strategies have transformed and are still in transition.
How do you make yourself visible to the market if you are a lawyer, mediator, arbitrator, or conflict coach? See what our mediators had to say.
Do join us if you’re considering raising your visibility to showcase your legal / litigation, mediation/mediation advocacy, and arbitration skills.
You can easily create your own ResoX profile online now here.
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