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Reflecting on Our Journey as Finalists in the Outstanding New Entrants Award in TechLaw Fest 2024

Building a startup is no easy feat—it’s an arduous yet rewarding journey filled with both challenges and moments of celebration.


Although we didn’t take home the award, being named one of the three finalists in the Outstanding New Entrants Award was a huge honor. It’s an incredible feeling to be recognized alongside some of the leading innovators in the legal tech industry. We are deeply grateful to individuals like Adeline Chin YF and Brian W Tang of the Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation & Technology Association (ALITA) for their support and for helping to spotlight emerging players like us in the field.


It was also a pleasure to meet fellow finalists Hemanth Bharatha Chakravarthy of jhana and Eliza Jiang (江鹂韵) from Lawdify in person. Connecting with them and sharing our experiences of the startup grind was both comforting and inspiring. Congratulations again to jhana on their well-deserved win!


Meeting past finalists and winners such as Namita Shah and Aman Sanghavi from Presolv360 was equally motivating. Their continued success reminds us to keep pushing forward, constantly striving to innovate and improve, even in the face of daily challenges.


Finally, a heartfelt thank you to the Singapore Academy of Law and Joon-Nie Lau, Director of TechLaw.Fest, for organizing such an incredible event. It was a privilege to be part of this celebration of legal tech innovation.


While we didn’t win this time, we’re more motivated than ever to continue building, learning, and growing. The journey continues!






虽然我们未能获奖,但能被评为“杰出新进企业奖”的三大决赛选手之一,已是莫大的荣誉。能够与法律科技领域的领先创新者并肩而立,这种感觉非常振奋。我由衷感谢 Adeline Chin YF 和 Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation & Technology Association (ALITA) 的 Brian W Tang 等慷慨支持者,他们的鼓励和认可让我们这些行业新秀有机会在这个舞台上展现自我。


同时,我们也非常高兴能亲自结识其他决赛选手,jhana 的 Hemanth Bharatha Chakravarthy 和 Lawdify 的 Eliza Jiang (江鹂韵)。与他们分享创业过程中遇到的挑战,不仅让人感到慰藉,也激发了对未来机会和合作的期盼。再次恭喜 jhana 赢得这份荣誉,实至名归!


此外,能够与往届的入围者和获奖者如 Presolv360 的 Namita Shah 和 Aman Sanghavi 交流,给了我们更大的动力。他们的持续进步和成就提醒我们,不应满足于现状,而应在日复一日的挑战中继续前行。


最后,衷心感谢新加坡法律协会和 TechLaw.Fest 的总监 Joon-Nie Lau,感谢她为我们筹办了如此精彩的活动。能够参与这场法律科技创新的盛会,是我们的荣幸。



