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Commercial Disputes Video 4 – What is the difference between a legal letter of demand and a mediation request?

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What is the difference between a legal letter of demand and a mediation request? In Video 4, Zech Chan, PBM (陈劲瀚) from Lee & Lee explores the difference between a legal letter of demand and a #mediation request. A legal letter outlines demands and can be intimidating, while a mediation request invites collaborative conversation. Clients may instruct their counsels to prevent retaliation by balancing the two approaches. Watch for insights on choosing the right approach. Find the right process and professional for your dispute by using our ResoX Search Tool – https://resox.com/questionnaire/   If you are a Dispute Resolution Professional (DRP) and would like to profile your services with us, please register here – https://resox.com/drp-register/   If you are a disputant seeking assistance, give our AI Dispute Advisor a try- https://aida.resox.com/
我们的 “专注商业争端”第四集视频中,来自李氏律师事务所 (Lee & Lee)陈劲瀚探讨了法律追索函和调解请求之间的区别。法律追索函概述了要求并可能具有威胁性,而调解请求则邀请协作对话。客户可能会指示他们的法律顾问通过平衡这两种方法来防止报复。请观看这一集以关注有关选择合适方法的见解。  
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